


Within the Sustainable Urban Revitalization: Visions and Prospects for the Context of Khulna City, Bangladesh

   Department of Architecture, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology

国際委員会では、バングラディシュShahjalal University of Science and TechnologyのMd. Mustafizur Rahman教授をお迎えし、バングラディシュで人口第3位の都市Khulnaの持続可能な都市再生のビジョンと展望についてご講演頂く、特別講演会を開催致します。



2024年 9月5日[木] 15:00~17:00

■主 催:公益社団法人 日本都市計画学会 国際委員会
■言 語:英語(通訳なし)
■定 員:会場 20 名(先着順)/オンライン 100名
 日本都市計画学会 国際委員会
 TEL 03-3261-5407/E-Mail iac[at]cpij.or.jp


Khulna City has witnessed an extraordinary social and economic development after independents. This was mainly due to balanced socio-economic development dependent on different sectors and the government has continuously strived to draw a balance between several social-economic and environmental factors. The pressure towards massive investment in development and economic progress was however higher and determined to a large extent its success in maintaining this equilibrium. As such, one has to address this important issue within the framework of urban sustainability and revitalization. Although, both the approaches have not been properly deployed or experienced in this area before, therefore the study endeavors to develop understanding of urban sustainability and revitalization concepts and emphasizing not only on the development, but contemplates creative use and reuse of this mixed use commercial area and illustrates how these ideas are to accommodate the requirement and need of the contemporary society.