


An Ordinary City:
Planning for Growth and Decline in North America

講師:Justin B. Hollander, Ph. D.
   Associate Professor of Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning,
   Tufts University


 今回、講師にお招きするHollander氏は、長年にわたりSmart GrowthとSmart Shrinkingについて研究をされており、マサチューセッツ州ニュー・ベッドフォード市、ミシガン州フリント市の事例等を紹介頂きながら、成長と衰退をどのように組み合わせて実際の都市に対応していくべきかについてご講演頂く。

2018年 6月26日[火]18:30~20:30(開場は18:10)

公益社団法人日本都市計画学会 事務局会議室

■主 催:公益社団法人 日本都市計画学会
■言 語:英語
■定 員:20 名(先着順)
 日本都市計画学会 国際委員会
 TEL 03-3261-5407/E-Mail apps2018[at]cpij.or.jp



東京メトロ 半蔵門線 半蔵門駅(5番出口)、有楽町線 麹町駅(3番出口)より徒歩5分


Economic decline associated with a shift away from manufacturing hit many places hard, but few saw the kind of wholesale shift in its physical form as New Bedford, Massachusetts. Once the whaling capital of the world, New Bedford today is but a shell of its former self. Neighborhoods today are littered with foreclosed and abandoned homes, empty factories, and little hope for the future. Albeit informally, New Bedford's local government has adopted a strategy to shrink the physical plant of portions of the city (smart shrinkage), while implementing smart growth strategies where the city is growing.
I many ways, this schizophrenic tension between growth and decline is quite normal. New Bedford represents an entire category of cities that escape mainstream urban planning's more customary attention to global cities (London), booming cities (Atlanta), and shrinking cities (Leipzig). New Bedford-style ordinary cities are none of these, they neither grow nor decline drastically, but in their inconspicuousness, they account for a vast majority of all cities.
While historically the city has undergone depopulation, demographic conditions have stabilized and from 2000-2010 the city even saw a jump in population. Not booming, but hardly shrinking, the city typifies the vast majority of all cities where there are forces pushing in both directions, simultaneously, spatially distributed throughout the city. I ask the question: Given the complexities of growth and decline, both temporarily and spatially, how does a city manage change and adapt to growth and decline?
I employed content analysis to look at all of the City of New Bedford's planning and urban policy reports over the last decade. This approach allows for insight into what the city has been doing and what it wants to be doing. I complemented the content analysis with further interviews with city officials to be able to paint a complete picture. Together, these two sources help shed light on the puzzle that is New Bedford? Its reused lots, its abandoned buildings, and its urban planning.
A Research Agenda for Shrinking Cities (Edward Elgar, 2018)
An Ordinary City: Planning for Growth and Decline in New Bedford, Massachusetts (Palgrave, 2018)